Chapter 3 Do not acclaim


Chapter 3


bu shang xian, shi min bu zheng

Do not acclaim and value the skill of serving in order to encourage the people not to contend for titles and status.

bu gui nan de zhi huo, shi min bu wei dao

Do not cherish rare articles in order to encourage the people to dismiss any thought of stealing.

bu xian ke yu, shi min xin bu luan

Do not expose anything attractive to the public in order to encourage the people to live contented lives.

shi yi sheng ren zhi
zhi, xu qi xin, shi qi fu, ruo qi zhi, qiang qi gu

The shengren‘s way of governance is to weaken the people’s minds for contention, to assure the people well-contented lives, to weaken the people’s minds about taking any shortcut and to strengthen their ability to work.

chang shi min wu zhi wu yu

A shengren will always help the people to expel their unnatural mentality of class differences and inequality and help the people to open up their minds in the natural way.

shi fu zhi zhe bu gan wei ye

That will make those crafty people find no opportunity to do anything.

wei wu wei, ze wu bu zhi

Administrate the country in the way of non-possession administration and the country will then be well-governed.