Chapter 27 Those who know how to drive


Chapter 27


shan xing wu zhe ji

Those who know how to drive a carriage perfectly well will not get into accidents leaving any traces.

shan yan wu xia zhe

Those who know how to express themselves perfectly well will not inflict any accusation.

shan shu bu yong chou ce

Those who know how to plan perfectly well will not need any remedial measure for handling the consequences.

shan bi, wu guan jian er bu ke kai

Those who know how to use locks perfectly well can unlock all kinds of locks.

shan jie, wu sheng yue er bu ke jie

Those who know how to tie knots perfectly well can untie all kinds of knots.

shi yi sheng ren chang
shan jiu ren, gu wu qi ren

The shengren always knows how to salvage people out of troubles; therefore no one is expendable.

chang shan jiu wu, gu
wu qi wu

The shengren always knows how to salvage things from disposal; therefore nothing is expendable.

shi wei xi ming

This is called enlightenment through influence.

gu shan ren zhe, bu
shan ren zhi shi

The perfect one should be the role model for the less perfect one to follow.

bu shan ren zhe, shan
ren zhi zi

The less perfect one could be a tool of influence for the perfect one to illustrate his subconscious education.

bu gui qi shi, bu ai
qi zi

Yet, the perfect one would not claim his high status as a teacher and the less perfect one should not be treated as a disciple.

sui zhi da mi, shi wei yao miao

This way of knowledge sharing through subconscious education is unnoticeable. It is just marvelous.